A high speed coronal hole solar wind stream arrived at our planet yesterday from a small equatorial coronal hole but it did not produce much geomagnetic activity here on our planet. While the solar wind speed increased to above 500km/s, the north-south direction of the IMF stayed mostly northward and little geomagnetic activity was observed. The Kp-index never increased above Kp2 yesterday. However, we are soon getting another chance for some nice auroral displays as yet another coronal hole faced our planet yesterday.
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Ultimo brillamento X | 2025/01/04 | X1.85 |
Ultimo brillamento M | 2025/01/22 | M1.3 |
Ultima tempesta geomagnetica | 2025/01/04 | Kp5 (G1) |
Giorni senza macchie | |
Ultimo giorno senza macchie | 2022/06/08 |
Media mensile Numero di Macchie Solari | |
dicembre 2024 | 154.5 +2 |
gennaio 2025 | 145.8 -8.7 |
Last 30 days | 159.9 +39.2 |