Prohlížíte si archiv středa 6. září 2017

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X9.3 earth-directed coronal mass ejection

The wait is over. We finally have a complete set of SOHO/LASCO coronagraph images from today's memorable X9.3 solar flare. If you missed today's space weather events be sure to read this news article before you continue reading here.

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Major X9.33 solar flare

What a day! The strongest solar flare of solar cycle 24 erupted today at 12:02 UTC and of course it was sunspot region 2673 that took center stage. It was a memorable X9.33 solar flare (R3-strong radio blackout) which was highly eruptive as well. We have to go all the way back to 5 May 2015 to find the last time we had an X-class solar flare and it has been 12 years ago since we had a solar flare which was stronger than today's X9.3 event! Not bad considering we are already in the declining phase of solar cycle 24!

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Fakta o počasí ve vesmíru

Poslední X-záblesk23. 02. 2025X2.0
Poslední M-záblesk11. 03. 2025M1.1
Poslední geomagnetická bouře12. 03. 2025Kp5 (G1)
Dny bez skvrn
Poslední den bez skvrn08. 06. 2022
Průměrný měsíční počet slunečních skvrn
února 2025154.6 +17.6
března 2025116.4 -38.2
Posledních 30 dnů141.1 -6.3

Tento den v historii*

Sluneční erupce
*od roku 1994

Sociální sítě