Předpověď počasí ve vesmíru - diskuse
Vydáno: 2025 Mar 13 0030 UTC
Připraveno americkým ministerstvem obchodu, NOAA, střediskem pro předpověď vesmírného počasí a zpracováno na SpaceWeatherLive.com
Sluneční aktivita
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Solar flare activity remains categorically low due to only C-Class
flares being observed, but the frequency of the flares has increased.
There have been nearly 20 C-Class flares observed from an unclassified
region just beyond the east limb near S17. Region 4019 (N06E04,
Dac/beta-delta) exhibited growth throughout the period in its
intermediate region but has been relatively quiet. Region 4021 (S06E42,
Cai/beta-delta) also grew in the number of spots and had a C3.5 at
12/0402 UTC.
There have been no Earth-directed CMEs in the coronagraph imagery.
Despite the elevated activity beyond the east limb, the forecast for
flare activity remains low until the upcoming region(s) come into view.
Therefore, there will remain a chance for M-Class (R1-R2 Minor-Moderate)
flaring 13-15 Mar.
If the two regions with delta configurations, Regions 4019 and 4021,
were more active, probabilities for X-class activity would have
increased. But, given they have been relatively quiet, chances for R3
Strong events remain low (5%).
Energetické částice
24 h Shrnutí
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit has been
oscillating around 1000 pfu throughout most of the period. A gradual
rise in the solar wind speeds may be suppressing the elevated electron
flux. Regardless, the event continues. GOES-16 recorded a max of 1,990
pfu at 12/1550 UTC.
With no notable flares, the greater than 10 MeV proton flux has remained
at background.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux is expected to continue to rise at
or above threshold during the diurnal maxima through 15 Mar. The greater
than 10 MeV proton flux will remain at background.
Solární bouře
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Solar wind parameters became enhanced starting between 12/06-09 UTC.
During this time there was a jump in the density, rise in the solar wind
speeds, and an increase in the strength of the interplanetary magnetic
field (IMF) strength. The arrival of the corotating interacting region
ahead of the negative polarity coronal hole (CH) high speed stream (HSS)
is the most likely culprit of this disturbance.
Total field has been between 7-12 nT with much of the period having a
constant southward Bz component near -10 nT. Solar wind speeds have
risen now towards 550 km/s. The phi angle has been primarily in the
negative (towards the Sun) orientation.
Solar wind parameters are expected to remain enhanced through 15 Mar due
to the continued connection with the CH HSS.
24 h Shrnutí
The geomagnetic field reached G1-Minor storming levels during the 15-18
UTC and 21-24 UTC synoptic periods, but has been unsettled to active
Due to the continued southward orientation of the IMF, G1-Minor storming
conditions are expected to continue. Earth is expected to maintain its
geoeffective connection with the negative polarity CH 13-15 Mar.
Conditions during this time will remain at active levels.