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Coronal hole faces Earth

středa 5. března 2025 21:47 UTC

Coronal hole faces Earth

A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.

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X2.0 solar flare from sunspot region 4001

neděle 23. února 2025 19:55 UTC

X2.0 solar flare from sunspot region 4001

It has been 53 long days but we have finaly seen another X-class solar flare coming from the Sun today. Sunspot region 3947 produced an X1.8 solar flare on 4th of January and since that day... silence... but today departing sunspot region 4001 produced an X2.0 solar flare.

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Coronal hole faces Earth, Minor G1 geomagnetic storm watch

pátek 7. února 2025 19:26 UTC

Coronal hole faces Earth, Minor G1 geomagnetic storm watch

Geomagnetic conditions have been relativity quiet lately with no strong geomagnetic storms to speak of. Coronal holes are however making a return and we are seeing them more regularly appearing and influencing the weather in space around Earth and thus the aurora dancing above our heads.

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Double coronal holes face Earth

středa 29. ledna 2025 15:19 UTC

Double coronal holes face Earth

A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.

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Coronal hole faces Earth

čtvrtek 16. ledna 2025 17:53 UTC

Coronal hole faces Earth

A coronal hole is facing our planet today which is sending a high speed solar wind stream towards us which could cause enhanced geomagnetic conditions (and thus aurora!) in the days ahead.

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Sunspot region 3947, X-class solar flares

sobota 4. ledna 2025 17:46 UTC

Sunspot region 3947, X-class solar flares

Solar activity has been on the rise again thanks to flaring activity coming from sunspot region 3947. It has been responsible for multiple M-class events and three low-level X-class events including an X1.8 solar flare today that peaked at 12:48 UTC.

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Two earth-directed coronal mass ejections

pondělí 30. prosince 2024 19:31 UTC

Two earth-directed coronal mass ejections

Our Sun remains fairly active today but no coronal mass ejections were launched today with a clear earth-directed component. We do however want to talk about yesterday's events again as more data and opinions have emerged...

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Strong G3 geoamagnetic storm watch issued

neděle 29. prosince 2024 23:09 UTC

Strong G3 geoamagnetic storm watch issued

It has been quite an eventful day on the Sun with 18 M-class solar flares and even an X1 solar flare. Sunspot region 3936 produced most of these events including the X-flare but also sunspot region 3938, 3939 and 3940 were contributors. 

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M9.0 solar flare with earth-directed CME

pondělí 23. prosince 2024 17:53 UTC

M9.0 solar flare with earth-directed CME

Sunspot region 3932 produced an M9.0 (R2-moderate) solar flare today which peaked at 11:12 UTC. The solar flare was fairly impulsive but it was associated with a Type II radio emission indicating the possible launch of a coronal mass ejection something which we can confirm now thanks to SOHO/LASCO coronagraph imagery.

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X2.2 solar flare, SDO outage

neděle 8. prosince 2024 14:12 UTC

X2.2 solar flare, SDO outage

Good morning everyone it's Sunday and the Sun is up early today with a banger! She unexpectedly produced an X2.2 solar flare which peaked at 09:06 UTC. It is sunspot region 3912 which was the source of this event.

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Fakta o počasí ve vesmíru

Poslední X-záblesk23. 02. 2025X2.0
Poslední M-záblesk11. 03. 2025M1.1
Poslední geomagnetická bouře12. 03. 2025Kp5 (G1)
Dny bez skvrn
Poslední den bez skvrn08. 06. 2022
Průměrný měsíční počet slunečních skvrn
února 2025154.6 +17.6
března 2025116.4 -38.2
Posledních 30 dnů141.1 -6.3

Tento den v historii*

Sluneční erupce
*od roku 1994

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