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CME impact imminent, Two more earth-directed CMEs

pátek 10. května 2024 15:46 UTC

CME impact imminent, Two more earth-directed CMEs

A quick update on the current solar activity and the expected geomagnetic conditions in the coming days.

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Severe G4 geomagnetic storm watch

čtvrtek 9. května 2024 18:34 UTC

Severe G4 geomagnetic storm watch

Sunspot region 3664 which is easily the most complex sunspot region of the current Solar Cycle thus far continues where it left of yesterday, producing countless of M-class solar flares today and three X-class events (X1.0, X2.2 and X1.1). It remains an extremely complex sunspot region which has the potential to produce more major solar flares, perhaps even exceeding X5 or even X10. 

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Sunspot region 3664, major flares and CMEs!

středa 8. května 2024 18:09 UTC

Sunspot region 3664, major flares and CMEs!

What a day! Sunspot region 3664 and 3668 have merged into a very complex sunspot cluster which has been producing a ton of M-class activity and even two X1 events. The first of these two X-class solar flares was unremarkable but the second X1 solar flare produced a coronal mass ejection with an earth-directed component but more on that later. We are also going to take a look at an M-class event which also produced a coronal mass ejection. A lot to go over today!

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X4.5 solar flare

pondělí 6. května 2024 18:32 UTC

X4.5 solar flare

Sunspot region 3663 celebrates the start of a new week with a massive X4.5 (R3-strong) solar flare. This is the third strongest solar flare of solar cycle 25 and the strongest solar flare produced by this sunspot region thus far. Sounds great right? When will I be able to see aurora I hear you ask...

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Sunspot region 3663, X1 solar flare

sobota 4. května 2024 07:24 UTC

Sunspot region 3663, X1 solar flare

Sunspot region 3663 has developed into a complex sunspot region over the past few days with a Beta-Gamma-Delta magnetic layout. This complex magnetic layout already produced countless of M-class solar flares and one X1.6 solar flare which is going to be the focus of this article.

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Lot's of sunspots! Big chance for major flare activity?

pondělí 22. dubna 2024 21:58 UTC

Lot's of sunspots! Big chance for major flare activity?

Our Sun is peppered with numbered sunspot regions at the moment... 18 to be precise! This adds up to a sunspot number of 283 which is very high.

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X1.1 solar flare with earth-directed CME

sobota 23. března 2024 13:36 UTC

X1.1 solar flare with earth-directed CME

A complex eruption took place today which peaked at 01:33 UTC. The associated solar flare reached a peak of X1.1 (R3-strong) and came from sunspot region 3614. An unremarkable sunspot region north of sunspot region 3615. We say that the eruption is complicated because sunspot region 3615 flared at the same time but everything points to the solar flare and resulting eruption from sunspot region 3614 being stronger. 

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Sunspot region 3615, G1 watch

středa 20. března 2024 14:57 UTC

Sunspot region 3615, G1 watch

March has been a relatively quiet month thus far. We did had a moderate G2 geomagnetic storm back on the 3rd of March but other than a couple of unremarkable M-class solar flares not much has happened considering we are probably nearing the peak of Solar Cycle 24. But... we do have two topics to cover today. Sunspot region 3615 is an interesting sunspot region currently on the earth-facing disk and a minor G1 geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for today and tomorrow.

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X6.3 solar flare

čtvrtek 22. února 2024 22:55 UTC

X6.3 solar flare

Sunspot region 3590 does it again! It's third X-class soalr flare and the strongest solar flare of the currently Solar Cycle thus far peaking at a respectable value of X6.3 (R3-strong).

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Did space weather really knock out cell phone service in North America?

čtvrtek 22. února 2024 21:53 UTC

Did space weather really knock out cell phone service in North America?

It's a hot topic today... North America woke up this morning with nationwide cell phone outage for AT&T. Is this caused by the two X-class solar flares from sunspot region 3590? A lot of people seem to think that is the case but this is completely false. Christian Harris from Space Weather Trackers made a great post explaining why space weather is not to blame for this outage. Correlation is not causation. Read his post below!

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Poslední X-záblesk23. 02. 2025X2.0
Poslední M-záblesk11. 03. 2025M1.1
Poslední geomagnetická bouře13. 03. 2025Kp5 (G1)
Dny bez skvrn
Poslední den bez skvrn08. 06. 2022
Průměrný měsíční počet slunečních skvrn
února 2025154.6 +17.6
března 2025119.8 -34.8
Posledních 30 dnů143 -4.6

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*od roku 1994

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