When space weather happens, we often make news updates which you can receive in your e-mail. We only send an update if there is interesting news to report like solar flares, coronal holes, geomagnetic storms and a lot more. Everything in regard to Space Weather, so you'll never miss out significant events.
The system will only send out an e-mail if there is news to report, and this will be done daily so that you won't receive a bunch of e-mails from us. During periods of high activity it can be the case that you'll receive an e-mail from us every day, in quiet times it could take more than a week, it all depends on our beloved star the Sun. If you ever want to unsubscribe, use the link in the e-mail, and we'll stop sending you these updates. You can always reactivate them in a later time.
Keep in mind that SpaceWeatherLive is run by volunteers in our free time, it can happen that we can't find the time to write news items, but we do our very best to make sure big events are always posted.
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Poslední X-záblesk | 23. 02. 2025 | X2.0 |
Poslední M-záblesk | 11. 03. 2025 | M1.1 |
Poslední geomagnetická bouře | 12. 03. 2025 | Kp5 (G1) |
Dny bez skvrn | |
Poslední den bez skvrn | 08. 06. 2022 |
Průměrný měsíční počet slunečních skvrn | |
února 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
března 2025 | 116.4 -38.2 |
Posledních 30 dnů | 141.1 -6.3 |